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When you are tired, draw strength from God.
When you are speechless, talk to God.
When you are lonely, there is God.
“God is light; In him there is no darkness...”
[1 John 1:5]
Wedding Ceremony - Adeola & Bartosz07Jan23 | Eden's Baptism25Dec22 | First Communion 202202Oct2022 |
Comfort's 60th Birthday28Aug22 | Baptism of Annalise & Levi7Aug22 | Baptism of Annalise & Levi7Aug22 |
Baptism of Matheiu, Abel and Nathan31Jul22 | Baptism of Sasha31Jul22 | Wedding Ceremony of Catherine & Peter30Apr22 |
Baptism of Nuru17Apr22 | Father's Day Celebration2022 | Baptism2022 |
Mother's Day Celebration28Mar22 | Laughing of the the Book "The 12 Apostles"May22 | Laughing Of the Church's book2021 |
John Patrick's Baptism21Nov21 | Diego's Baptism21Aug21 | Keoni's Baptism21Aug21 |
Baptism of Athena8Aug21 | Confirmation Service2021 | Baptism of Jessica7Aug21 |
Wedding Ceremony of Hanna and Thomas24Jul21 | Freya's Baptism18Jul21 | Zion's Baptism18Jul21 |
Green ProjectSaint Joseph the Worker Parish receive the visit of the MP for Ealing, James Murray, and together we did planting some trees in the church garde. 6 of July 2021 | First Communion2021 |
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